Connecting with people
Just returned from a 6 day trip to Vancouver and Tofino! Had a wonderful time! Prior to going I connected with Dale Laird the President...
Exciting hearing from people !
The world sure seems alot smaller today! After emailing a few places in Canada I have been excited to receive emails of interest and...
I am going to be featured in an upcoming newspaper publication in October 2015. I have been engaged as a speaker at the Scandinavian...
Getting things going....
I've been busy meeting with various people and talking with them about my book, the process, and streetcars in general. I've had some...

How it all started
This experience started a long time ago. I had a computer. I had a keen interest in history. I was always captured by streetcars and...

Having the idea !
I started organizing ideas and pictures. Nothing had been written about streetcars in WInnipeg for a long time. I thought this...