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The Restoration Project - Streetcar # 356

Progress is being made!

On the 2nd Floor of the Via Rail Station in the Winnipeg Railway Museum there sits a somewhat well kept secret.  Streetcar # 356 currently sits  at the end of the museum track not open to the general public.   The hope is to restore the car  as close to its original state as possible.  The fundraising to do this is underway with the hope of joining other major cities in having the streetcar mark its place in history and maybe even one day be used again to travel some of the areas of the city. Who knows what potential the future holds there!


The project needs many dedicated and talented hands that have a passion to mark their place in history by working on this worthy project. People that have skills and experience in woodworking, carpentry, and upholstery are needed.  Those that have other specialized skills such as electricians are also in demand.  Anyone who has been involved with such projects knows these adventures have costs that can be kept to a minimum through volunteers with these talents as well as those who would love to support the project through gifts of the needed  materials.


Please help pass the word along so that the dream to complete this project can be achieved.  Together people can make it can happen !  A piece of history can be experienced by everyone!


Here are some pictures of the streetcar in its current state.



To lend your expertise to the project please contact Rob Loiselle at 204 470 1669




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